At Octofin we mean business when we do business
We also believe that we should impart truthful information about ourselves and our services so that current, potential and prospective clients can make knowledgeable decisions. The Octofin Group has established a reputation as a solid role player in the financial and insurance markets. Working in tandem with all the established and reputable product suppliers, we have full access to the whole range of products available in the financial service industry of South Africa. Put differently, we want you to know exactly who you are dealing with when you deal with us.
With offices in Somerset West, Joubertina and Graaff Reinet, we are ready to be of service to you.
Contact us to speak to a knowledgeable specialist consultant about your requirements.
Our Services

Agricultural Short Term Insurance

Commercial Short Term Insurance

Personal Short Term Insurance

Sectional Title & HOA Insurance

Employee Benefits

Healthcare Consulting

Life Insurance & Investment

Property Development
Latest News
SA’s inflation and interest rate path in an emerging market context
SA’s current inflation target of 3% to 6% was introduced in February 2000. At the time, the annual inflation rate was a very modest 2.3%, but it had averaged 7.3% over the preceding five years, spiking to over 10% at times. This suggested that achieving the inflation...
EXPLAINER | What you need to know about the two-pot retirement system
The two-pot retirement savings system will split all your retirement fund contributions (after expenses) from 1 September 2024 into two notional pots. Savings pot: One third of your contributions will be saved in a savings pot that you can access once in a tax...

Octofin has always been there for me when I needed help with any insurance related service. They are the most caring and friendly team, so much so that when I’m dealing with the staff there, it feels as if I’m talking to an old friend. They understand my needs and nothing is ever a problem when I need to have something done. Professional and extremely helpful!
Met groot dank vir uitstekende diens rakende Wilco Transport se eis. Dit word opreg waardeer.
Dit is altyd, ALTYD, ‘n plesier om iets in Octofin se hande te los. Hulle hanteer elke situasie met soveel takt en gemak. Dit is voorwaar deesdae nie meer ‘n grap om enige iets te doen sonder om met ‘hak plekke’ te sukkel nie.
Uiters professioneel en met elke persoon waarmee jy praat voel werklik besorg oor jou probleem of kommer. ‘n Instansie wat nie jou belange op die hart dra nie verspeel jou tyd. Dankie vir die getroue VRIEND wat Octofin is.